Blair Milling & Elevator Co, Inc.

Since 1867

Blair Certified Brand Feeds


Farrow to finish or a single prized show champion Blair Certified Brand Feeds has the products and the nutritional expertise to get keep your hogs healthy, gaining weight and in the most economical way possible. From finishing mineral premixes to early weaned nutrient dense mini pellets Blair can match products and services to your operation.

We Offer:

Complete Swine Feeds


  • 16% protein (high lysine) from only the highest quality plant and animal protein sources
  • High energy level provides maximum animal weight gains on the least possible amount of feed
  • Medicated to provide protection from atrophic rhinitis
  • Contains high vitamin and trace mineral levels
  • Pelleted for easy handling and improved feed efficiency
  • Low labor requirement. Can be delivered and placed directly in your feeders or bulk tank
  • Feed is not dusty. Will not contribute to respiratory problems as can a meal type mix
  • No feed is wasted due to blowing or being routed out of the feeder
  • Experiment stations throughout the midwest report an average increase in feed efficiency of 10% over meal type feeds
  • No segregation or separation of feed ingredients, each pellet provides a complete balanced ration


  • 14% protein ( high lysine) feed from selected animal and vegetable sources
  • High energy with a balanced protein profile
  • Contains high quality minerals
  • Guaranteed vitamin levels
  • Pelleted complete developing ration
  • Low labor requirement. Can be delivered and placed directly in your feeders or bulk tank
  • Feed is not dusty. Will not contribute to respiratory problems as can a meal type mix
  • No feed is wasted due to blowing or being routed out of the feeder
  • Experiment stations throughout the midwest report an average increase in feed efficiency of 10% over meal type feeds

Latest News & Specials

Fighting Anaplasmosis in your cow herd?  Blairs NEW Anaplaz Mineral can help win that battle!



"Blair is an excellent partner... Blair Milling produces reliable, consistent feed that our customers love."
- Premier Farm and Home